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Tallow Oil Cleansing Cream 4.75 oz Mocha Cacao Cleanser Chocolate Coffee Combination Skin Heal Renew Regenerate Rejuvenate Balance Made to Order

Tallow Oil Cleansing Cream 4.75 oz Mocha Cacao Cleanser Chocolate Coffee Combination Skin Heal Renew Regenerate Rejuvenate Balance Made to Order

Regular price $24.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $24.99 USD
Sale Sold out
Jar type varies by size

PrairieWoodSprite received the Artful Living A-list Award in 2016 (see award picture above!) My children say I should share this since the day received, so now, 7 years later, I finally am...

A spa quality, artisanal hand crafted formula perfect for gift giving!

PrairieWoodSprite organic beauty products make thoughtfully beautiful and unique holiday and birthday gifts for family, friends, coworkers, teachers, bosses, etc.

Or, my most favorite, "Just Because," gifts!

This raised-and-made-on-the-Midwest-prairie, organic, creamy, Whipped Tallow Chocolate Mocha & Honey Facial Cleansing Cream Combination Skin Formula is a great cleanser and soother for your face and body. Plus, pregnancy and nursing mom and baby safe!

Our new ALL ORGANIC, Whipped Tallow Coffee Mocha Chocolate & Honey Facial Cleansing Cream Combination Skin Formula!

Jar type choices: a 4.75 oz., recyclable, break-resistant, clear, coffee or cobalt blue, PET plastic apothecary jar. Or, if you prefer, a decorative, glass jar. Other sizes available upon request!


Rich Mocha (Coffee & Chocolate) Scent, all food grade ingredients, Good enough to eat! But don't, as your skin is very hungry too...

Our customers say:

"Great and fast service on this made to order cleansing oil cream. Received this item in 5 days from the order. I have only used it 3 times and my face is very soft. I have been having a problem with R... so I’m hoping this product will help."

"Thanks Linda! I adore your products, my skin has never looked better!"

"Hello! I just wanted to tell you, that I have always had problematic skin, but the creams you create make my skin feel soothed and just amazing really. They have greatly helped my acne, scars, pores, wrinkles and skin tone, I no longer even want to wear any makeup. I'm telling you this because I sincerely hope that you feel proud of yourself, proud of what you can do, and I want you to know that you're truly soothing people's skin, you've helped mine! So I thank you! I also want to wish you a Merry Christmas! :D Take care!"

"Cleans, draws out the impurities, moisturizes, leaves my face feeling so fresh. Just, perfect. I honestly don't believe I could find a better cleanser. I Thank you very much Linda!! xoxox"

"Love this face wash, smells yummy : )"

"The tallow cleansing product has the most incredible texture and smell. It's like a whip dessert for your face at first and then as you start swirling the product around, you feel the familiar oil cleansing properties. I just started using this a few days ago, so time will tell how it works for my skin, but I love the ingredients in formula."

Tallow has impressive moisturizing capabilities for our skin from our nose to our toes!

Our product is made of 100% grass-fed, grass-finished, beef tallow, with a scientifically determined ratio of castor oil for both soothing properties and product spread-ability. Tallow is chock full of skin supportive vitamins A, D, E and K for their superb skin soothing properties.

Benefits of Tallow:
Tallow salves, creams and butters have held the tests of time regarding their superb skin soothing properties. There is much information on the net regarding the soothing properties of pure organic tallow cream regarding skin that is red, rough, dry, aging, mature, damaged, acneic and other skin needs to check out. Its ability to be readily and deeply absorbed makes it a preferred method for carrying nutrients and essential oils where they’re most needed!

And, as if this fantastic skin food currently recognized qualities aren't enough, it's not just for moisturizing, soothing and protecting anymore! It also has astounding success when used in an oil cleansing face and body butter!

Skin care experts explain the benefits of oil cleansing: “Fact: Oil dissolves oil. One of the most basic principals of chemistry is that “like dissolves like.” The best way to dissolve a non-polar solvent like sebum/oil, is by using another non-polar solvent similar in composition: Other oils. By using the right oils, you can cleanse your pores of dirt and bacteria naturally, gently and effectively, while replacing the dirty oil with beneficial ones extracted from natural botanicals, vegetables and fruit that soothe, protect and nourish your skin. When done properly and consistently, the [Oil Cleansing Method] OCM can clear the skin from issues like combination skin, pimples, oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, blackheads, whiteheads and other problems caused by mild to moderate acne–while leaving your skin smooth, soothed, balanced and properly moisturized.”

Our new formula with the added skin loving and repairing Cacao!

Second only to red grape skins as the highest source of Resveratrol!

A beautiful and soothed skin is a prerequisite to looking fresh, glowing and youthful. Cacao works in an amazing way to keep the skin soft and smooth.

*** All of these fabulous ingredients' qualities make PrairieWoodSprite's spa quality, Grass-fed Tallows Creams and Balms very special, unique and healing! Moreover, made-fresh-to-order, just for you!

How to Use Whipped Tallow Cacao Honey Normal Skin Facial Cleansing Cream to clean your face:

1) With our included, handcrafted paddle, scoop out a small amount and gently message on your face to the melting point. Be sure to cover your entire face with a thin, fragrant layer.

2) While the oils are doing their magic on you skin, run comfortably warm water, into your sink with your washcloth and ring it out gently. Then press the warm, wet washcloth on your face for 30 to 60 seconds. This allows the oils to steam into your pores. As the washcloth cools repeat several times by rinsing and reheating the wash cloth. (This can also be done in your shower.)

After repeating this step 3 or more times, rinse and reheat your washcloth one last time and gently wipe off your face. Please do not scrub! Pat your now clean and glowing face dry with a soft and fluffy towel. Your face is now cleansed and moisturized.

How often should I Use my Whipped Tallow Cacao Honey Normal Skin Facial Cleansing Cream?

I cleanse once a day prior to bedtime. In the morning I only need splash my face with a bit of warm water to freshen up for the day either with makeup or without.

If you need to wash your face more than once a day I recommend using warm water only on a wash cloth or follow the above process again.

Your skin will tell you if you need more or less of your special little spa face washes over time.

Natural, organic, handcrafted to order!

For silky smooth skin both you, and your paramour, will adore!

Rich and nourishing, and a great value as a little goes a long way!

Each of our bodies is unique and it's common knowledge there isn’t one facial cleanser that will work best for everyone. This is why I make this new Tallow Oil Cleanser Cream in the following formulas: Normal/Balanced skin, Acne/Oily, Dry/Damaged, Sensitive/Soothing, Dry/Anti-Aging and Mature. Please convo if you have questions or needs for me to assist you with.

Please see my other listing to determine which is the best fit for your needs!

Available in 2, 4, 6 and 8 oz decorative glass, or PET plastic, break-resistant, jars.

Our products and statements have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Our products are not intended to cure, treat, prevent, or diagnose any disease. Please consult a licensed professional if your condition continues or worsens. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, or have any medical condition consult your physician before using essential oils. If skin irritation should occur, discontinue use.
For more spa quality, artisan, made-one-at-a-time-when-ordered, organic and chemical additive free skin care products please visit my store to see more elegant products for your skin care needs!

Please make sure your address is USPS verified to ensure your package arrives on time. If not, this could make processing times longer than usual.

Thank you for reading! Any questions? Message me!'s Medical Drug Claims policy disallows merchants from sharing the medicinal uses of listed products. We encourage becoming an educated consumer by researching on the web about any products in our Etsy shop prior to placing an order. Should you have any questions or queries regarding PrairieWoodSprite products, please message via Etsy Conversations link and I'll gladly assist you.

Disclaimer: These statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health concern or condition, consult you doctor. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet or using any new product.

Expedited shipping option available by convoing seller with your request. A separate private listing will be put up for you after shipping service and shipping class selected by you.

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